Expert Tips on How to Cut a Chicken like a Pro in 2024

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As a food enthusiast, I can tell you that cutting a chicken with a knife is a fundamental skill that every person must master. Not only is it an essential technique for preparing a wide range of dishes, but it also allows you to make the most of every part of the bird and save money in the process. In this post, I’ll take you through the step-by-step process of how to cut a chicken into individual parts, and provide some expert tips and tricks to make the process easy, efficient, and safe.

First and foremost, it’s vital to have the right tools for the job. A sharp chef’s knife is an absolute must-have for cutting through the bones and joints of the chicken with precision. A sturdy cutting board is also essential for protecting your countertops and providing a stable surface for cutting.

The Top Chicken Cutting Technique

How to cut a chicken into individual pieces

Step 1: Prepare your kitchen Equipment

Must haves:

  • A sharp knife
  • A cutting board

Before you begin, it’s important to have the right equipment on hand. A sharp knife is essential for making clean and precise cuts. A cutting board is also necessary to protect your countertops and make the cutting process easier.

When choosing a cutting board, look for one that is sturdy and large enough to accommodate the whole chicken. A wooden or plastic cutting board is a good option, as they are durable and easy to clean. Avoid using a glass or marble cutting board, as they can dull your knife quickly.

A pair of kitchen shears or scissors can also be useful when cutting a whole chicken. They can be used to remove the backbone or cut through smaller bones. However, if you don’t have them, a sharp knife will suffice.

Step 2: Preparing the chicken

The first step in breaking down a chicken is to prepare it for cutting. Start by removing the giblets which are the heart, neck, and liver from the cavity of your chicken. These can be saved for later use in different stocks or gravies. Next, give the chicken a thorough rinse inside and out with cold water, and then pat it dry with paper towels. So now you are all set.

Step 3: The legs and thighs

The next step is to remove the legs and thighs from the chicken. Start by locating the joint where the leg meets the body of the chicken. Use the tip of your knife to make a small cut in the skin around the joint. Gently use your fingers to separate the leg from the body by finding the joint and wiggling it until it pops. Repeat this process on the other leg.

Once the legs are removed, you can remove the thighs by cutting through the skin and meat between the leg and the body. Use your knife to make small cuts along the joint until you can wiggle it free. Repeat this process on the other side.

Step 4: The wings

To remove the wings, locate the joint where the wing meets the body of the chicken. Use your knife to make a small cut in the skin around the joint. Use your fingers to gently separate the wing from the body by finding the joint and wiggling it until it pops. Repeat this process on the other wing.

Step 5: The breasts

The final step in breaking down a chicken is to remove the breasts. Start by finding the breastbone, which runs down the center of the chicken. Use the tip of your knife to make a small cut along one side of the breastbone.

How to Cut a Chicken

Tips and Tricks

  • Use a sharp knife: A sharp knife will make cutting through the bones and joints of the chicken much easier. Make sure to sharpen your knife before you begin cutting.
  • Work slowly and carefully: Take your time and be careful when cutting through the bones and joints. A slow and steady pace will help you make clean cuts and avoid accidents.
  • Save the bones: The bones from the chicken can be saved for making stocks or gravies. Simply wrap them in plastic wrap and store them in the freezer until you’re ready to use them.
  • Use a cutting board: A cutting board will protect your counters and provide a stable surface for cutting.

Food Safety

Food safety is of the utmost importance when handling and preparing chicken.

Chicken, like all meats, can carry harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause food poisoning if not handled and cooked properly.

Make sure your knife is sharp and doesn’t need any knife maintenance.

When cutting chicken, it is important to use a clean cutting board and sharp knife to prevent cross-contamination with other foods. It is also important to wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the chicken.

To further prevent the spread of bacteria, it is important to cook the chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that any harmful bacteria present is killed. Using a food thermometer can help ensure that the chicken has reached the correct temperature.

It is also important to store chicken properly. Raw chicken should be stored separately from other foods and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to prevent any juices from dripping onto other foods. Cooked chicken should be stored in an airtight container and consumed within three to four days.

When defrosting chicken, it should be done in the refrigerator and not left out at room temperature. This can prevent the growth of bacteria and ensure the chicken is safe to eat.

In addition to these precautions, it’s also important to avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw chicken away from other foods, cooking utensils, and surfaces.


As I have shown above cutting a chicken into individual pieces is not that hard, and with the right techniques and tools, it’s a simple and easy process. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to cut an entire chicken into pieces in no time.


Can I cut a raw chicken with a serrated knife?

Yes, a serrated knife can be used to cut a raw chicken. However, a sharp chef’s knife is generally preferred as it allows for a cleaner, more precise cut.

Is it safe to cut a raw chicken on a cutting board?

Yes, it is safe to cut a raw chicken on a cutting board as long as the board is properly cleaned and sanitized before and after use to avoid cross-contamination.






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